Jesika Cooper, ACMHC
Magna Office
Works with Children, Teens, and Adults
In-Person & Telehealth Appointments
Trauma-Focused CBT Trained
Accepted Insurance Companies:
Crime Victim Reparations (CVR)
Direct Care Administrators
Medicaid (Optum, Select Health)
Health Utah
Private Pay/Bishop Pay
Select Health
United Healthcare
Imagine Health/WISE
*Plans accepted within these insurance companies may vary, so please confirm network status with our office before scheduling.
Message from the Therapist:
"I am working to develop a strong theoretical understanding of depression and anxiety as teens experience it, and a thorough toolbox of interventions to be utilized in treatment of these issues. One of my strengths is creating a connection with those who need empathy and unconditional positive regard in treatment. This connection helps to build a good working therapeutic base for psychoeducation on these diagnoses as they are best applied to each person that I have the privledge of serving.
Aspen Ridge has provided training in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as part of my internship here. I hope to use this with the necessary rapport built during sessions to support clients in coming to a more mindful and manageable understanding of these events, and to lessen the negative impact they may have.
As someone who has experienced the profound benefits of a productive therapeutic relationship (especially during times of struggle) I am grateful for the opportunity to work with clients, and genuinely invite all potential clients to reach out to Aspen Ridge if they need support.
I hope to learn more about each client and their needs, in an effort to meet them where they are on the journey toward positive mental health. In this often difficult world, we all need someone to talk to who can offer an unbiased and warm perspective on the interventions developed through psychological research. Please reach out if you our your teen need to be heard."