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Emma Sanfilippo, ACMHC, Mental Health Therapist

Emma Sanfilippo, ACMHC


  • Works with ages 13 and older

  • Telehealth Appointments Only

  • Trained in CBT & DBT Therapy

  • Focus in Couples Therapy, Domestic Violence, and ADHD

Accepted Insurance Companies:

  • BIND/Surest

  • Crime Victim Reparations (CVR)

  • Direct Care Administrators

  • EMI

  • Medicaid (Optum, Select Health)

  • Private Pay/Bishop Pay

  • Select Health

  • United Healthcare

  • Imagine Health/WISE

*Plans accepted within these insurance companies may vary, so please confirm network status with our office before scheduling.

Message from the Therapist:

"We are all on the roller coaster we call life. It has its ups and downs. None of us is immune to the difficulties and challenges that can befall us. My passion is working with people who need help getting through such difficulties and/or dealing with past hurts and traumas. I recognize that no single approach is right for everyone and can meet the differing needs of individuals and families.  I help clients which includes children, teens, adults, and families to find healthy perceptions of themselves and to strengthen their relationships so they can feel peaceful, whole and safe.


I specialize in counseling within a wide range of issues and concerns. I help clients develop better cognitive and emotional skills and to cope with various life challenges to improve their lives. I offer support, unconditional positive regard, compassion, guidance, a level of accountability, advocacy at times, a listening ear and sound clinical advice.


If you are struggling with life's ups and downs and are not sure where to turn
or are having difficulty dealing with past hurts, I can help. I hope to provide you with support, problem-solving skills, and enhanced coping strategies for the issues that are troubling you. I counsel from a blended approach using
techniques from CBT, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, and Emotion-Focused
Therapy, among others, which allows me to provide care that is individualized to your specific needs and circumstances.

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